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Word of the second

Don't worry about spelling, this dictionary fixes it.


What is this FREE dictionary program?

LookWAYup is an online helper that lets you look up words in an on-line dictionary and find more information on the web. It fixes small spelling mistakes, and it tells you about synonyms and related words. Once you know what the word means, you can use it to search for that word or related words on the same web site or on the whole Web using your favorite search engine All that without leaving the Web page.Screen Shot

How does it work?

  • Double click on any word on the page to highlight it
  • Press the LookWAYup button
  • Information box pops up – no need to leave the page
    • Definitions
    • Synonyms and related terms
    • Smart links to search engines
    • Related information
    • Extended search tools
FREE Make it part of your browser

No software to install or download. Click on this link and follow the instructions:
Make LookWAYup part of your browser Works on Netscape and Internet Explorer version 4 and above on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Use it on your WAP device

If you have a mobile phone with a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) browser, point it to . Make sure you ask for permission, the phone company sometimes charges money for this. Note: this URL won't work with a regular browser.

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Tel.: (613) 864-7373

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